We provide a fast and convenient way to connect you to BBB-A Rated tax relief professionals who stand up for your rights and provide you with IRS tax relief.  Start Online or Call 1-866-286-1890
A fast and easy way to get your legal tax relief rights and options.
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Specializing in...

  • Stop or Prevent IRS Levy
  • Remove or Release IRS Levy
  • IRS Offer in Compromise
  • IRS Installment Agreement
  • Innocent Spouse Relief
  • IRS Financial Hardship
  • IRS Currently Not Collectable
  • Unpaid Personal Taxes
  • Unpaid Business Taxes
  • IRS CP 504 Intent to Levy
  • IRS CP 90 Final Levy Notice
  • Garnish, Lien, or Levy Relief

About Us

FloridaTaxRelief.org helps provide tax relief to individuals and families via trusted tax relief companies nationwide. These tax specialists, attorneys and ex-IRS officers provide customized tax relief solutions for individuals and families who are worried about, or have experienced, tax liens, wage garnishments, bank levies, or other IRS tax-related collection measures.

While FloridaTaxRelief.org strives to connect individuals and families to appropriate tax relief professionals and resources, individual financial circumstances and tax situations will vary from person to person - so it is recommended that individuals explore all of their various legal tax relief remedies prior to deciding on a course of action that best meets their needs.

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Tax Relief Center
serves visitors via
BBB-A Rated
Tax Relief Firms

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